Wednesday, February 5, 2020

What is A.S.S.U.R.E. Model?

If you're like me, when you first heard the term, "A.S.S.U.R.E. Model", you became confused thinking it had something to do with the actual word, "assure" which means to tell someone something positively or confidently to dispel any doubts they may have. You might have thought, maybe this is a technique to encourage students to never doubt themselves but frankly, it's not.

The ASSURE model is an acronyms which stands for:

A-Analyze the Learners

S-State Standards and Objective
S-Select Strategies, Technology, Media and Materials
U- Utilize Technology, Media, and Materials
R-Require Learner Participation
E-Evaluate and Revise

Which is a step by step guide that teachers can use to create lesson plans which embodies the use of technology and media. In this post, we will be focusing on the letter "U". I will hyperlink the other letters so please feel free to click on which ever letter you desire to learn about next.

Utilize Technology, Media, and Materials

This is  where teachers make a plan on how they will apply technology, media and material that were selected and just like the other steps,  they must be sure that the data used contribute towards producing the objectives that was decided.

It's important to follow the "5 P's" process to achieve this:

  1. Preview the Technology, Media, and Materials. It's important to plan ahead of time just how you will use certain material in a lesson so it's good to look over an activity before you actually consider doing it in class.
  2. Prepare the Technology, Media, and Materials. You must out together all the data that you will need to teach your lesson. This means you must also plan for the worse case scenario.
  3. Prepare the Environment. There isn't much to do when setting up the learning environment just simple things such as making sure you have enough seats or that there isn't any other distractions outside the classroom that may disturb the students.
  4. Prepare the Learners. First, you need to clearly inform the learners as to what the learning objectives are. This will help the learners create a mental map of what they need to absorb. Next, it’s important to tell the students how they will be assessed. You need to tell them what their assignments will be, how they will be graded, if there are tests, etc. Also, you should explain to the students what the benefits of learning the material are.
  5. Provide the Learning Experience. Now you allow everything that you have planned to play out without missing a step.

What is A.S.S.U.R.E. Model?

If you're like me, when you first heard the term, " A.S.S.U.R.E. Model ", you became confused thinking it had something to do...